Join us for our 2025 IMMIES Awards!
Wednesday, April 9, 2025 // Angel’s Envy Club at L&N Stadium
Metro United Way is partnering with lead organization, KentuckianaWorks, along with Goodwill Industries of Kentucky, Blueprint 502, and the Coalition Supporting Young Adults, to implement Generation Work™. Generation Work™ is a project, funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation and delivered with the National Fund for Workforce Solutions, to center young adult worker voices in employer practice change.
This partnership aims to build capacity for a unified, durable strategy for engaging employers to advance racially equitable workforce outcomes that meet the needs of young adult workers, up to age 24. To hone partner confidence in broaching these topics with employers, we have provided an employer capacity-building series that has focused on racial equity, positive youth development, worker voice, and trauma in the workplace.