Open investment opportunities:

Open Monday, September 23 - Friday, October 4, 2024

Youth Social Action Project

Request for Proposals

We invite 501(c)3 youth-serving organizations serving middle and high school students to apply for funding for youth social action projects. This youth empowerment project is meant to encourage collaborative, responsible, and critically engaging citizenship (The Critical Thinking Consortium, 2010). This youth-centered initiative encourages collaboration and the redistribution of traditional power dynamics between youth and adults. 
Any organization/agency that works with/serves youth (ages 10-24) can apply for up to $5,000 in funding to support a youth social action project in partnership with youth in their respective agency/organization/community. Applications should demonstrate your ability to ensure equity within youth-adult partnerships; youth are involved in designing the project and demonstrate a clear intent to ignite positive agency and organizational or community change. 

Currently Accepting Applications!

Southern Indiana Repair Affair

Safe and affordable housing is foundational to all of this and is a common need we hear about across our regional community. Metro United Way is hard at work to address this need and has lifted housing as a priority area of focus in Clark, Floyd, and Harrison Counties and have partnered with New Directions Housing Corporation in elevating Repair Affair in Southern Indiana.

Download the application for program requirements. Recipients are based on a first come first service basis. We look for repairs that will improve the home’s safety, security, and weather efficiency. Repair Affair is not a decorating, remodeling, or emergency repair program. ALL application requirements must be met for consideration.


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