Our Work
advancing equity and sharing opportunities for all
addressing systemic challenges to ensure high-quality education
creating pathways out of poverty to prosperity
ensuring zip code doesn't determine destiny
We can put your money to good use, meeting people’s immediate needs and working for a better tomorrow.
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Today, Metro United Way financially supports more nonprofits than we ever have in our 106-year history.
There are 178 organizations alone in our youth success network that we provide grassroots capacity building, mental health support, improved digital access, tutoring hours, and training and professional development.
Because 80% of brain growth happens by age 3 and 90% before age 5, we lead a collaboration of 100+ early care and education organizations to ensure kids enter kindergarten ready to learn. We know that if they do, they are more likely to succeed in school, work, and life.
Just in the first six months of this year, 85% of families we’ve served in our homelessness and school instability work have reached income stability, 89% have reached housing stability, and fewer than 1% of families have had to make an unplanned move during the school year.
There is continued positive bipartisan engagement and support for our public policy agenda at the local, state, and federal levels—a testament to how we truly unite our community.
Almost 42,000 people contacted our 2-1-1 helpline last year to seek emergency assistance and referral for housing, transportation, food, child care, clothing, and other needs.
Our United Community platform connects more than 500 social service, government, and health care providers to deliver integrated, holistic care through a shared technology platform. It has served more than 17,000 individuals and made more than 32,000 referrals.
More than 10,000 people have attended our Racial Wealth Gap Simulation or Beyond Buzzwords speaker series on diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Sign up and find out about everything we’re doing for people in the community. Or how you can help us make a difference.