When leaving incarceration in Kentucky, too many people are stepping into the hallway of community without the key card to access any of its resources—a photo ID. To meet needs critical to survival and success upon reentry—including housing, employment, nutrition assistance, healthcare, mental health services, and substance use treatment—providers and employers require state-issued photo identification. The lack of one creates a barrier blocking the very first steps on a new path forward.
Unfortunately, the process of securing a photo ID is burdensome, requiring life documents such as birth certificates, social security cards, and/or other state-verified papers—to which many reentering people do not have access. Obtaining this paperwork often takes months as well as monetary resources. Even after procuring documents, people leaving incarceration face transportation challenges and required payments when receiving an ID through local government.
When people are unable to efficiently obtain an ID, the reentry hallway becomes a dead end. They cannot wait months for paperwork before finding income to secure food, medicine, a place to sleep, and other essentials.
Kentucky cannot wait either. Our state incarceration rate persists as the sixth highest in the nation while our recidivism rate exceeds 35%. Each barrier residents face upon reentry increases the likelihood that they will return to the criminal legal system, continuing to drive these trends and costs in the wrong direction. The wake of this impact hinders the prosperity of our state across the board, particularly affecting our employers. Kentucky has the second-lowest workforce participation rate in the country despite a growing number of fair chance employers willing, able, and motivated to hire people who have paid their debt to society. To change this trajectory, we must ensure reentering workers are equipped with the most basic tool needed for job applications and employment—a photo ID.
In the 2022 legislative session, policymakers must invest $250,000 annually to formalize and continue the successful reentry ID pilot program partnership between the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, Kentucky Department of Corrections, Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services and Kentucky Chamber Foundation. As of February 2022, the program has expanded to all 14 state prisons and one county jail and processed 470 ID applications.
Without investment in foundational supports like an ID program, Kentucky will continue to pay the high budgetary, economic, and social costs of incarceration and recidivism. We must commit to proactive, common-sense strategies to strengthen our state and its residents. We must implement a statewide program providing state-issued photo identification to all people leaving incarceration.
Please CLICK HERE to endorse Liberation Identification, a movement to implement a statewide program providing state-issued photo identification to all people leaving incarceration in Kentucky.