Today, Metro United Way is no longer a community chest pass-through organization but is one that strategically invests in solutions to persistent and systemic issues to help our community achieve better outcomes. More than a funding source, Metro United Way supercharges organizations through capacity building, resources, training, mental health supports, public policy collaboration and more.
Republic Bank and Metro United Way, both local organizations, are joined by their passion for making the Greater Louisville region equitable and strong. Both have long histories of serving our community—particularly in underserved areas—and want to make sure where we live is a better place for all.
This year’s Metro United Way campaign focuses on three priorities – thriving kids, strong households and an equitable community. There’s nothing more important than ensuring that our children have what they need to thrive. When we have strong households, we create pathways out of poverty to prosperity which is a win for us all. And we envision Greater Louisville as a place where zip code doesn’t determine destiny and everyone has the opportunity to live up to their full potential.