September 2024
Supporting our Child Care Sector

Metro United Way’s Day of Action launched in 2018 to harness the spirit and power of volunteers, bringing corporate teams together to take on some of our community’s toughest challenges. Over the last five years, 2000 volunteers from 105 companies have completed 130 projects in seven counties in two states.

Thank you for joining us to build a brighter path forward! Change begins today.

Get involved. Give back. Take action.

2024 Day of Action projects will take place in late September on multiple days and will support our local child care sector which as we know, is in crisis. More details to come. Learn more about a recent report around the early learning workforce here.

Day of Action is an unforgettable, hands-on experience. By giving your time to volunteer, we show what commUNITY can do to meet people’s immediate needs and work for a better tomorrow, ensuring positive, sustainable change across our seven-county region.

Year-Round Volunteer Opportunities

Looking for other ongoing volunteer opportunities? Search our Volunteer Connection platform and sign up today!


Sign up and find out about everything we’re doing for people in the community. Or how you can help us make a difference.