Join us for our 2025 IMMIES Awards!
Wednesday, April 9, 2025 // Angel’s Envy Club at L&N Stadium
Leadership Donors who pledge $1,000 – $4,999 annually are integral to making sure we can have thriving kids, strong households, and equitable communities. Benefits of participating in this program include:
If you’d like to learn more, please contact Sarah Santee, Director of Individual Giving, at Sarah.Santee@metrounitedway.org.
Susan Acree | Chris Graven | Scott A. Olinger |
Gregory Albright | Lynette Green | Judith Olliges |
Donald Allen | Glenn Grigsby | Kimberly A. Osborne |
Johnny Alse | Michael Guenthner | Miriam Ostroff |
Christina Ames | Sandy Gulick | Pam Ottersbach |
Todd Anderson | Robert Gunn | Martin and Sue Padgett |
Scott Armstrong | Melissa Gunter | Stewart Page |
Robert Arnold | Karla Hagan | Alan Parsons |
Jennifer Barber | James Halaris | Penny Pearson |
Chad Barras | Lori Hammond | Crystal Peterson |
Lenfield Basham | Miles Harrison | Niels Piepgrass |
Theresa Batliner | Alice Hartley | Ruth Pierce |
Kathy Beach | Mary Harville | Anthony Powell |
Gabrielle Benfield | Hunter Hayes | Donald Price |
Christopher Bennett | John and Jeannine Hayes | Christopher Purvis |
Matthew Berrian | Claudia Hendricks | Rebecca Ragland |
Diane Biery | Casey Hensley | Peter Ramsey |
Deneen Bogdon | Erin Herbert | Cindy Reichert |
Donna Bone | John Hill | Edward Rhawn |
Christopher Bottorff | Marc Hindorff | Anna Richey |
Robert Bowen | Bill Hollander and Lisa Keener | John Rippy |
Ashley Brandt | Jill Horn | John Rittichier |
Maureen Brekka | Larry Horn | Malcolm Robertson |
Michael Brennan | William Howard | Greg Roshkowski |
Elizabeth Brown | Anna Huang | Jacqueline Rosky |
Erin Bruker | Robert Hume | Tim Sanders |
Scott Burkhardt | Sophie Hummer | Clara Sanders |
Allen Bush | Herb Hurst | John Sands |
Lamarka Byrd | Melissa Iglehart | Sarah Santee |
Gabriel Byrne | Carol James | Gregory Scales |
Jeffrey Callen | Michael Janok | Claudia Schindler |
Tiffany Calvert | Jeremy Jarvi | Tara Schmitt |
Priscilla Capes | Mr. Franklin K. Jelsma | Craig Schmitt |
Richard Carrick | Ms. Marya Johnson | Anthony Schoen |
Terrence Carter | Sarah Johnson | Margaret Seifert |
Patricia Carver | Rontrel Johnson | Ellen and Max Shapira |
Cynthia Caudill | Colleen Jones | George Sherrard |
Alex Clark | W. Richard and Anne S. Jones | P. Norris Shockley |
Melanie Clark | Amy Jordan | Diane and Roger Shott |
Carolle Clay | Suzanne Kaiser | Laura Simcox |
J. Terrence and Peggy Cody | Richard Kelley | Matt Simons |
Patrick Cody | Donald Kelly | Mr. Granville Brad Smith |
Shane Cody | Elliott Kelly | Mark Sneve |
Maria Conklin | Henry Kelsey | Eugene Snowden |
Robert Cordy | Steven Kerrick | Dulce Solorio |
Donald Corson | Janice Kingsolver | Kim Stawski |
Beverly Cote | Craig Kinslow | Elizabeth Steiner |
David Coultas | Robert Knadler | Susie and Michael Stewart |
Gouverneur H. Nixon and Edith Courtenay | Laura Koch | Mark Stilwell |
Michael Cowherd | Joseph Larocca | John Stites |
Douglas Craddock | Portia Leatherman | J. Stites |
Bonnie Cress | Byron Leet | Clarence Stokes |
Peter Cummins | Justin Lemonds | Andrea Strange |
Michelle Cunningham | Suanna Leslie | Louis and Elizabeth Straub |
Amy Curry | Kelly Lewis | Donna and Jim Straus |
S. Dabney | Rebecca Lieber | Mary C. Sullivan |
Patrick Daily | Joseph Link | William Summers |
Griffin Dampier | John Lovett | Jerry Swartz |
Brent Dellacoletta | Daniel Lowe | David and Leslie Tate |
Nicole Dorion | Stephen Lukinovich | John and Phyllis Tate |
Matt Dougherty | Fairleigh Lussky | John Taylor |
Philip Dowdle | Mary Lyons | Judith Todd |
Sam Draut | Laurel Mallory | Michael Toussant |
Joanie Duckworth | Ed and Sallie Manassah | Sandra and Scott Trager |
Anthony Duncan | Pamela Martin | Cheryl VanAllen |
Mary and James Eaves | Robert Martin | John Vidal |
Richard Eder | Janie Martin | Christopher Waford |
Luke Elliott | Charlie and Mary Mattingly | Michael Waiz |
Amanda England | Jennifer McClinton | Louise R. Wall |
Curtis Eskew | Patrick McGinnis | Tommy Wallace |
Douglas Feuerhelm | Robert McIntosh | Dennis Walsh |
Michael Fine | Liz McQuillen | Kevin Wardell |
Alex Gerassimides and Greg Fischer | Susan Means | Suzanne Warner |
Leslie Fowler | Christopher Meriwether | Lucy Weaver |
Roger Foy | Chester Misbach | Sharon Weinert |
Edith Frakes | Juan Montano | Kendrick Wells |
Preston Freeland | Alexander Moore | Robert Wessel |
Ted Frith | Terence Morris | Mark and Michelle Wheeler |
Kevin Fuqua | Anne and Duane Murner | David White |
Dawn and George Gans | Melody Murphy | Mary Wolf |
John Gardner | Larry W. and Debbie M. Myers | Richard Woods |
Gene Gardner | Tim and Angela Nall | Christopher Woosley |
Margaret Garrison | Kelli and Steve Nelson | Donna and Gary Wooten |
Martin Gerrety | James Nelson | Michael Yates |
James Giesel | Ashwin Netto | Mellissa Yeagle |
Celia and Gary Gilpin | Paul Neumann | Jillian Young |
Linda and Stuart Goldberg | John Nevitt | Todd Ziegler |
David Goldstein | Macie Nichols | Erin Zuber |
Jerome Gordon | Alex Novak |
Our Community Champions, donors who generously pledge $5,000 – $9,999 annually, help us to meet people’s immediate needs and work for a better tomorrow, while also having the chance to engage with our Tocqueville Society at one event a season!
If you’d like to learn more, please contact Sarah Santee, Director of Individual Giving, at Sarah.Santee@metrounitedway.org.
Lea Anderson | Kristel Jensen | Diane Nguyen |
Anne & Morton Boyd | William J. Leachman | Shelia Ownens |
Paul Chrisco | Mark Mccarty | Andrew Simon |
Mary Ann & John Gregory | Michael McDonald | Bill & Jean Stout |
Mary & Bill Hancock | Gabriel Murray |
The Tocqueville Society recognizes individuals and couples who have stood with us, sharing their talent and treasure to set a high bar in philanthropic leadership for our community. This group of investors is creating change and setting an example for others to follow. When you integrate our members’ experiences, abilities and ambitions, the result is a sphere of influence able to transform our community and help more people stand on their own two feet.
Since its establishment locally in 1990 to recognize donors who generously donate $10,000 – $24,9999 annually, Metro United Way’s Tocqueville Society members have invested over $100 million representing the generosity of over 130 families throughout our regional community.
If you’d like to know more about the Tocqueville Society, learn more HERE or contact Sarah Santee, Director of Individual Giving, at Sarah.Santee@metrounitedway.org.
Missy & Jim Allen | Kimberly Halbauer | Bonnie & Sam Rechter |
Anne-Britton Arnett & Robert Ransdell | Marcia & Chris Hermann | Theresa & Ben Reno-Weber |
Stephanie & Kirk Barsch | Allen & Michelle Hertzman | Eileen & Shedrick Saunders |
Lonnie & Jackie Bellar | James & Barbara Hodge | Chuck & Maria Schram |
Charles Belle | Alice & Wade Houston | Kelly Schulz |
Edie Bingham | Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Jarboe | David Sinclair |
Antonio Boadas | Adria Johnson | Stephanie Hawkins Smith |
Phillip & Sharon Bond | Valle Jones | Natalie Snyder |
Robert Bosley | Gary & Maureen Kingry | Art & Nancy Sponsler |
Opal & George Bowles | Cedric Knight | Lisa Stephens |
Marc & Shannon Charnas | The Lancaster Family Fund | Mary Stites |
Carole & Rob Christian | Ann Leonard | Valerie & Antoine Terry |
Gena & Douglas Cobb | Ron Marcum | Pamela F. & Paul W. Thompson |
Ann Cobb | Charlie & Jenny Marsh | Joe & Terry Tolan |
Terrance Cole | Ed & Dee Maynard | Amy & Steve Trager |
Robert & Tami Conroy | Sara & John McCall | John & Vicky Voyles |
Rachael & Emmett Cosgrove | David McCalpin | Peter & Alicia Waldrab |
Karen Cost & J.R. Curtin | Debra & Ronald Murphy | Darrell & Ann Wells |
Patrick Coty | Austin & Jane Musselman Foundation | Chris Whelan & Russ Richardson |
John & Elaine Crockett | Scott Neff & Michelle Wells | Donald Whitfield |
Leanne Cunningham | Java & Barrett Nichols | Lawson & Debbie Whiting |
Elona Cooper DeGooyer | Edie H. Nixon | Jennifer & James Williams |
Ashley Duncan | Marc Nyarko | Audra & Daryl Williams |
Henry & Marilu Eng | Jessica & Josh O’Bryan | Jeffrey & Amanda Wood |
Judy & Henry Erk | Kathy & Kent Oyler | Anna & Corey Workman |
Joanna Erny | Laura Padgett | Anonymous Household |
Cynthia Fanning & Kirt Jacobs | Mike & Deana Paradis | Anonymous Household |
Nathaniel Fowler | Charles & Akure Paradis | Anonymous Household |
Tim & LuAnn Galbraith | Peter & Dianna Pepe | Anonymous Household |
Stephen C. Gault | Judith Nell Petty | Anonymous Household |
Bill Good | Logan & Dixie Pichel | |
Elaine & Steve Gravatte | Paula Pottinger, PhD & Scott Pottinger |
Named after long-time advocate and volunteer Alberta Allen, the Allen Society represents an elite group of philanthropists within the Tocqueville Society dedicated to a high level of leadership and service to our community. Metro United Way’s Allen Society was established in 1987 to recognize donors who demonstrate generous personal philanthropy through their gift of $25,000 or more annually. Being part of the Allen Society is special and its members are those who share a deep commitment to changing lives in our community.
If you’d like to know more about the Allen Society, please contact Sarah Santee, Director of Individual Giving, at Sarah.Santee@metrounitedway.org.
Diane & Jim Bloem | Mark & Emily Kirchdorfer | Carl F. Pollard |
Joyce & Van Carlisle | The Klein Family Foundation | Lindy Street |
Jim & Tonya Gravitt | Mark A. Kristy | Dace & King Stubbs |
Karen & Roger Hale | Nana Lampton | Dick Swope |
Augusta & Gill Holland | Paul Levitch | Anonymous Household |
The Jones Family | Mary & Ted Nixon |
Our United Visionaries, who pledge $50,000-$99,999 annually, is a group of philanthropists within the Tocqueville Society who engage at the second highest level at Metro United Way.
If you’d like to know more about the United Visionaries, please contact Sarah Santee, Director of Individual Giving, at Sarah.Santee@metrounitedway.org.
Mrs. Owsley Brown II & Family |
Turner Memorial Fund |
Anonymous Household |
Jennifer Adrio who was our Chief Development Officer and a beloved member of our team for 23 years. She was a powerhouse that had an infectious smile and laughter and during her tenure, led our development team to raise more than $610 million dollars. And beyond those dollars, she impacted so many of us along the way.
Sadly, Jen passed away in June 2024 at the age of 62 after a courageous battle with cancer.
In honor of her legacy and impact on our community, our new $100,000 annual gift level that will be called The Jennifer Adrio Society, a group of philanthropists within the Tocqueville Society, and will serve as a permanent tribute to Jennifer, ensuring her contributions will never be forgotten and her name will always be associated with transformative generosity.
If you’d like to know more about the Jennifer Adrio Society, please contact Sarah Santee, Director of Individual Giving, at Sarah.Santee@metrounitedway.org.
Campbell Brown & Sarah Barker | Brooke & Matthew Barzun | Stephen Reily & Emily Bingham |
Ina & Mac Bond | Nina Bonnie | Henry V. Heuser, Jr. |
Jerry & Christy Henderson | Sandra Frazier | Marianne & Jim Welch |
Anonymous Household |
Our Million Dollar Roundtable donors are our partners at the highest level by giving over $1 million dollars cumulatively in their lifetime.
If you’d like to know more about the Million Dollar Roundtable, please contact Sarah Santee, Director of Individual Giving, at Sarah.Santee@metrounitedway.org.
Cathy & Irv Bailey | Charlene & Michael McCallister |
Mr. & Mrs. Allen M. Bond | David & Wendy Novak |
Nina Bonnie | Kathy & Kent Oyler |
Joan Cralle Day | Stephen Reily & Emily Bingham |
Sandra Frazier | Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Rounsavall |
Mr. & Mrs. J. David Grissom | Matt & Fran Thornton |
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Harshaw | Turner Memorial Fund |
Henry V. Heuser, Jr. | Marianne & Jim Welch |
David Jones, Jr. & Mary Gwen Wheeler |