There’s nothing more important than ensuring our community’s children have what they need to thrive. LEARN MORE
- Our Ages & Stages Developmental Screening “Hub” continues to make connections with new organizations, health care providers, and families in Southern Indiana as we expand our reach thanks to grants from Indiana Early Learning and the Lilly Endowment.
- In 2024, on average 70 ASQs were completed each month. Here’s a message of thanks from a parent:
- “I have to tell you, I am so, SO appreciative of your continued support, guidance, and suggestions/recommendations. Ages and Stages opened the door for so many opportunities for him and he has been blessed in learning, process, and protocols. Now just to get him ready for a traditional school setting. I cannot thank you enough for always checking on he and I, keeping up with his development, and giving exercises/activities to keep him engaged and developmentally excelling! You have been such a blessing and support! Thank you for all you do for so many of our community’s children!”
- Louisville’s Lead-Safe Strategic Plan officially launched! The plan was developed with the help of 40+ community partners representing a cross section of organizations connected to lead poisoning prevention including housing advocates, local council members, state legislators, public health officials, and early childhood experts.
- We’re thrilled to share the wonderful organizations chosen as this year’s Youth Social Action Project grant recipients, a decision made young people. Here’s who they selected:
- 300for300
- Boys & Girls Club of Kentuckiana
- Built 4 This Track Club & Academy
- Highland Park CDC
- Home of the Innocents
- More Than A Smile Foundation
- My Redemption Inc
- Neighborhood House
- Peace Education Program
- Prominent Youth of America
- Robert Jamison Ministries
- Sacred Earth Community Garden
- The Food Literacy Project
- The Hope Buss
- The League Pro
When families have what they need, they can break cycles of poverty and work toward a better tomorrow for future generations and our entire community. LEARN MORE
- Our workforce financial coaching initiative is continuing positive impact. Through November, 332 clients have been served and 183 (73%) have shown progress towards financial goal areas. Specifically, 49 have increased income by a median of $9,100 annually; 132 have increased savings by a median of $673; 72 have increased credit by a median of 24 points; and 93 have decreased debt by a median of $1,700.
- We continue to stabilize families through our housing stability work with Siemer Institute and plan to increase the number of families we serve in the new year!
- In the month of December, our 2-1-1 help referral line fielded 845 calls from members of our community. The top request categories were housing and shelter, followed by help with utilities.
- In the month of December 2024, United Community:
- Served 243 total clients
- Sent/Received 203 referrals
- 56% of those cases closed/resolved through mid-January
- Through our homeownership initiative with the Salvation Army of Southern Indiana, we are delighted to report that three families who formerly struggled with housing stability have been pre-approved for mortgage loans and one family has become a first-time homeowner! Learn more below:
We envision the Greater Louisville region as a place where zip code doesn’t determine destiny and everyone has the opportunity to grow into their full potential. LEARN MORE
- We launched an anonymous feedback survey for B.L.A.C.K. Love cohort members and initiated one-on-one meetings with each organization to gather insights and support as we approach the conclusion of Cohort 2.0’s first year.
- Early demand for Racial Wealth Gap simulations has been strong, and we’re excited to offer a free, interactive simulation for Black History Month on February 26th to foster deeper understanding of systemic inequities. And because this maxed out in less than 24 hours, we’ve added an additional on on February 27. Register HERE.
- Join us for our next compelling Beyond Buzzwords event featuring Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum, acclaimed author of Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?. This virtual conversation on race and inclusion in education will take place on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, from noon to 1:00 p.m. Register HERE.
- RELEASE: Metro United Way Observes Black History Month With a Vision For a More Equitable Greater Louisville Region