Diversity, Equity, & InclusionResources

At Metro United Way, we are committed to fostering an inclusive and equitable society that stands firmly against racism in all its forms. We are dedicated to dismantling systemic racism and promoting social justice. We educate, advocate, and support affected communities, including Greater Louisville, to create a more just and equitable society. Below you will find resources that help educate, raise awareness, advocate for change and foster dialogue that contributes to a more just and equitable world, free from racism and discrimination. Join us in our commitment to build a better future for all.

How we do this is a work in progress and evolving every day.

Stop and Listen

In this video series, we ask you all to Stop and Listen to members of our staff as they share their stories in solidarity with the #BlackLivesMatter movement and what it really means to them.



Metro United Way’s diversity, equity, and inclusion statement, programs, trainings, and more including Black Male Achievement, Racial Wealth Gap Simulations, and our Diversity Equity & Inclusion Speaker Series.

Metro United Way Racial Equity FAQs

Changing the Narrative for Boys & Men of Color

2019 State of Metropolitan Housing Report in Louisville

Racism. Where do you fall?

Health Impact Assessment of Expungement Policy in Kentucky

Equal Justice Initiative—Tragic Death of George Floyd Reveals Continuing Problem of Police Violence

Center for Policing Equity—The Science of Justice: Race, Justice, and Police Use of Force

The National Museum of African American History and Culture—Talking About Race

Dear White People: Here Are 10 Actions You Can Take To Promote Racial Justice In The Workplace – forbes.com

Equity in the Center

Race Forward


Prosperity Now – Racial Wealth Equity

Public Health Resources for Understanding Environmental Racism

Credit scoring is pseudoscience–and it perpetuates the consequences of slavery and segregation – Fortune

More books to read:

Resources for Families:

Resources for Educators, Students and Writers:

History of Why Black Lives Haven't Mattered, by Sheena Wright of United Way of NYC


Define ourselves by our aspirations, not our challenges: Next Narrative for Black America

Sign Color of Change’s petition to end the War on Black people

Sign the Color of Change petition to get #JusticeforFloyd  

Sign the Color of Change petition to get #JusticeforBre

Sign the Change.org petition to federally require psychological screenings for police employment

Donate to the Louisville bail project

Support Black-owned restaurants and other Black-owned businesses in Louisville.

Check-in with your Black friends (with something more thoughtful than just “how are you?”)

Have conversations that are difficult. It’s ok to be uncomfortable.

Donate directly to our DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION work

Sign up and find out about everything we’re doing for people in the community. Or how you can help us make a difference.