Metro United Way offices closed for “two weeks”
Ready by 21 Conference Canceled
Louisville was to be the host of the national event
First confirmed COVID case in Jefferson County
Virtual Volunteering & Sharing Compassion
Released more COVID-19 relief funding to 27 nonprofits
Louisville Business First Op-Ed by MUW President & CEO, Theresa Reno-Weber
Census Facebook Live DJ Parties
Census Facebook Live DJ Parties with Louisville Urban League, Rajon Rondo Foundation, Russell Place of Promise, Cities United, our city government, and others to lift up communities that were undercounted in our past Census and celebrate them with daily, virtual events
$1.4 Million Grant Awarded to Metro United Way by Lilly Endowment
Metro United Way announced they would receive a $1.4 million grant that will be used to support COVID-19 relief efforts by organizations in Clark, Floyd and Harrison counties in Indiana. The grant is awarded by Lilly Endowment, in partnership with Indiana United Ways.
Southern Indiana supports local healthcare workers with care packages
Supply drop-off for Peaceful Protests
Launched Facebook Live Conversations Series with Funded Partner Nonprofits
Supply Drop-Off for Peaceful Protests
Kevin Nolan, president and CEO of GE Appliances, announced as MUW’s 2020 community investment chair
2-1-1 hits 1,000,000 connections mark!
Another round of emergency COVID funding released to 17 nonprofits in our seven-county region.
Total emergency funding released to date exceeds $1,000,000. You can see all COVID relief investments, a list of nonprofits, programs, and areas served throughout our seven-county region HERE.
Impact and Innovation RFP opened
Southern Indiana students return to on-campus learning
- Metro United Way assisted with acquiring and distributing PPE for some schools
Launched the Eviction Prevention Coordination Center
Launched the Eviction Prevention Coordination Center along with The Association of Community Ministries (ACM) in an effort to address the expected increase in evictions in the coming weeks and months. Used our United Community platform as the public access point to help connect 600 families during the first two weeks. 2-1-1 helped connect individuals and families to other critical resources.
Breaking Barriers to Home Ownership created in Shelby County
Metro United Way and CUB Bank worked together to create the Breaking Barriers to Home Ownership program to help Shelby County residents gain access to several classes that are geared to helping first-time homebuyers unfamiliar with the process navigate the challenges of finding a place to call their own.
Beyond Buzzwords Event featuring author Tim Wise
Partner Facebook Live Series
Our own President and CEO, Theresa Reno-Weber and Chief Impact Officer Adria Johnson led a second round of informative conversations about how other organizations have been affected by the COVID-19 crisis and the call for systemic racial justice across our community.
Watch the series here!
BLOCS Virtual Event – “Compassion Over Compliance”
Metro United Way’s New Volunteer Connection Site Launch
Migrated Metro United Way’s Volunteer Connection website from our current platform to a new and improved volunteer management system with a user-friendly platform providing individuals with enhanced volunteer opportunity posting features, volunteer management, engagement, communication and reporting tools.
Financial Navigation Simulation launch
This virtual Financial Navigation Simulation will force you to make some difficult economic and budgetary decisions that many of our community members face every day.
Stop and Listen video series launched
Inaugural Community Impact “Immies” Awards!
Black L.O.V.E. Initiative Launched
Black L.O.V.E. (Live. Own. Vote. Excel) initiative launched to strengthen Black-led social institutions in Louisville, will work with Black leaders and philanthropic partners to invest in areas recommended by the Black Social Change Funders Network.
Transitioned Racial Wealth Gap simulations to virtual
Courier-Journal Op-Ed by MUW President & CEO, Theresa Reno-Weber
Beyond Buzzwords Event Featuring Dr. Michael Eric Dyson
United Community Expansion to Harrison County, IN
Liberation Identification Campaign & Video Series Launched
- Liberation Identification – A movement to implement a statewide program providing state-issued photo identification to all people leaving incarceration in Kentucky.
“2020 Was The Year” Released
They say hindsight is 20/20 and they were right. 2020 didn’t go as planned, but it did bring our community needs more into focus and it’s clear the time to do something bold is now.
Build-a-Bed pivots from December 2020 to March 2021
Courier-Journal Op-Ed by MUW President & CEO, Theresa Reno-Weber
2020 Rewind Video Release
2020 may be a year to forget, but with YOUR help Metro United Way rose to the occasion and made an impact across our communities.
$20 Million gift from Billionaire Philanthropist, Mackenzie Scott!
Liberation Identification Mini-Doc Release/Event
This mini-documentary illuminates the barriers Kentuckians face when leaving incarceration without the most basic tool needed for success—a photo ID.
Louisville Business First Op-Ed by MUW Chief Equity Officer, Daryle Unseld
The Greatest Give Back 2021 Virtual Event
The Greatest Give Back looked a lot different in 2021, but that didn’t stop you from making a huge impact in the community.
Eviction Prevention Response Initiative launched in Southern Indiana
This initiative launched in partnership with the Southern Indiana Homeless Coalition and is a collaborative effort with community service providers who are addressing the eviction crisis by working proactively to meet the housing needs of individuals and families in Clark, Floyd, and Harrison Counties in Indiana. United Community is being leveraged to connect providers that can meet the rent assistance needs in a streamlined and expedited manner.
Beyond Buzzwords – White Fragility with Dr. Robin DiAngelo
(Virtual) Live United Day at the Capitol